When do you need to see a Solicitor?

Castrikum Adams Legal - Bangalow Solicitors, Lawyers

The answer is; before you have a legal problem.

It is common practice for people to approach a law firm, only as a last resort, and when their matter is well out of hand.

The better alternative is to contact your solicitor when you first receive the contract from the builder who is going to do your renovations, or when you get the documents from the pool guys who are going to dig up your yard, or when you want to put a new 8 foot fence to block out the nosy neighbours, or when you’re about to enter into a commercial lease (or any lease for that matter), or buy a business, or shake hands on that deal that sounds too good to be true…..

The better informed you are from the outset, the less likely you are to find yourself in an expensive and litigious dispute. By identifying and resolving the issues before they become an issue (that can’t be easily resolved), you will be much better placed to move on with your life, with less problems; and more money in your pocket.

Be proactive! Come and see us at Castrikum Adams Legal today, before your matter becomes an expensive legal problem tomorrow.