Prepare properly or you could pay in the end!
Whether you are a purchaser, vendor or even agent, the purchase price is generally the biggest determining factor in a sale. Even if the property is prepared perfectly, marketed perfectly and is ripe for the perfect price, if a dwelling is not approved, there are easement issues or God forbid the property for sale is sitting within the neighbour’s boundary and is or even not discovered until later, it can be devastating news for purchasers, vendors and even agents alike. It can be shocking and can create many problems for all involved. The Northern Rivers, in particular, have been subject to these issues and The Echo has written quite a few articles about these disasters in all council areas with Byron Bay, Tweed and Lismore being most vocal on the subject.
At Castrikum Adams Legal, we are the torchbearers, and our goal is to ensure that every issue is identified and properly disclosed in the Contract. Whether we are acting for vendor or purchaser, it is our passion to ensure these issues are brought to light, and rectified so that eventually these old age issues are a thing of the past, which means less hassles for Real Estate agents too, meaning the first accepted price is the right price for all involved. It is our dedication to our clients, the Northern Rivers and property law alike that provides clients and agents with peace of mind, every time.